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The Award ceremony of the the third edition of the Ermanno Olmi Award, an event aiming to promote short films by young directors, will be held on Thursday, December the 2nd at the Auditorium at Piazza della Libertà in Bergamo at 7.30 PM with free admission. The event will include a screening of the four finalist works and the jury members Emanuela Martini (film critic), Annamaria Materazzini (organizing secretary of Bergamo Film Meeting), Cecilia Valmarana (RaiMovie executive), Giuseppe Previtali (film studies professor at the Bergamo University) and Sara Luraschi (filmmaker) will choose the recipient of this year’s Ermanno Olmi Award. A special mention will also be assigned to the most significant film dedicated to environmental themes, issues very relevant today and constantly present in Ermanno Olmi’s body of work, including the short film Il pianeta che ci ospita (Our Host Planet), presented during Expo 2015.

The event  will also include a tribute to Ermanno Olmi with the screening of Il Tempo si è fermato, restored by Cineteca di Bologna, his debut feature film portraying the problematic relationship between man and the mountain through small everyday gestures, awarded in 1959 with the Golden Gondola at the X International Documentary Film Festival in Venice. Info and reservations:

The program:
7.30pm — Award Ceremony and screening of the four finalist works
9.15pm — Screening of Il tempo si è fermato (Time Stood Still)


Il tempo si è fermato (Time Stood Still)
by Ermanno Olmi (Italia, 1959, 83’)
During the winter, the control of a large dam near the Adamello is entrusted to only two guardians. A young student goes up to take over from one of the two, convinced that he can take advantage of the area’s tranquillity to study for his exams. These two very different men find themselves together, immersed in the solitude of the mountains. The relations between the boy and the middle-aged guardian are cold and awkward at first, but a sincere friendship will be born between the two during a stormy night.


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