Best Short Film
under 30

VI Edition

International Award for the Best Short Film

The Prize is addressed to filmmakers of all nationalities and not older than 30 on the date of the submission deadline. For joint submissions, all participants must meet the age limitation. The maximum length of each entry (fiction, documentary or animation) must not exceed 15 minutes. All entries must have been produced in 2023 or 2024.

A special mention will also be assigned to the most significant film dedicated to theme, chosen by the municipal administration, “The exercise of peace”. This is practiced in daily attitudes, in openness to encounter, compassion and doubt. It is a way of looking at the world around us, seeing in others existences to be respected, with which to share life paths. Ermanno Olmi’s cinema reveals a gaze made of humanity, care and respect, which does not hide suffering and does not deny the difficulty of solidarity action, nor the loneliness of revolt. The mention winner will be awarded a cash prize worth €300 offered by FIC – Federazione Italiana Cineforum.

The Ermanno Olmi Prize jury is composed as follows: 2 members appointed by the City of Bergamo, through the culture councillor, 1 member appointed by the Olmi family, 1 member appointed by Cineforum, 1 member appointed by Lab 80 Film. The award ceremony for the Prize finalists will take place December 3rd, 2024 at Sala dell’Orologio, Piazza della Libertà, Bergamo, or another suitable venue.

The competition awards the following:

Ermanno Olmi Award – 1st Prize: € 1200
Ermanno Olmi Award – 2nd Prize: € 600
Ermanno Olmi Award – 3rd Prize: € 400


For information / +39 348 1022828


Participation fee — € 5
Deadline — October 13th, 2024


Winners – V Edition

First Prize


Péter Dóczé

A valuable story that addresses a socially relevant topic told through the eyes of children: a perfectly constructed short film that demonstrates mastery of the cinematic device.

Second Prize

Things Unheard Of

Ramazan Kılıç

A short film that reveals a solid cinematic instinct and addresses relevant themes with an important - and universal - message of resistance in sharing.

Third Prize

The Passing of Time

Nathan Le Graciet

A film that stands out for its conscious direction, both in the use of the handheld camera - which allows maximum adherence to the characters and in the choice of black and white, which enhances the poetic dimension of the story.

Special Mention

Busan, 1999

Thomas Percy Kim

A well-calibrated narrative, with two very intense characters who effectively represent the poignant challenge that time represents for human beings, and the unbreakable bond that binds us to our birthplaces and the people to whom we owe our lives.

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